The perfect jailbreak tutorial for Apple tablet ipad3iOS6.0.2:
1. The steps of the perfect jailbreak tutorial for Apple tablet ipad3iOS6.0.2:
1. Use iTunes to back up new Apple ipad3 data, including text messages, address books, themes, wallpapers, etc.
2. Use jailbreak tools to perform a perfect jailbreak; p>
3. Install patches, such as appsync. Only after installing this plug-in can you install cracked applications and games
4. Immediately use a small umbrella to back up the SHSH file of the new Apple iPad3 iOS 6.0.2 to prevent Apple Quickly release new firmware to fill jailbreak vulnerabilities and facilitate downgrading;
5. Restore previously backed up data to iPad 3 through iTunes.
2. Preparations before jailbreaking:
1. Please set the screen lock of ipad3 to never lock;
2. If you have set a screen lock password on your ipad3, unlock the password lock and set it again after the ipad3 is jailbroken;
3. Turn off the PC anti-virus software
4. For desktop users, please connect the USB cable of iPad 3 to the rear USB. After all this work is done, you are ready to jailbreak.
3. The perfect jailbreak tutorial officially begins!
Click to download the corresponding jailbreak tool according to the computer’s operating system
3.1 After downloading, Unzip evasi0n and click the icon directly
3.2 If the anti-virus software is not closed, a prompt will pop up, just set it to allow
3.3 Connect ipad3 to the computer, evasi0n will automatically set up your new Apple iPad3, at the same time, the jailbreak icon on evasi0n becomes clickable, and you can start jailbreaking by clicking on it. Be sure to remove your lock screen password here (if you set an iTunes backup password, please remove it too) otherwise an error will be reported!

3.4 During the process of jailbreaking ipad3, do not touch ipad3, wait for the following words to flash on evasi0n, and a prompt will appear.
3.5 At this time, unlock ipad3, and then an evasi0n icon will be generated on the desktop of ipad3. Click on the icon, and then evasi0n on the PC can continue to work. ( In this step, the jailbreak icon cannot be formed on the desktop for some students. It is recommended that these students try another computer)
3.6 A white screen will be displayed on the ipad3, and the evasi0n logo will also be displayed, which indicates that it is jailbroken. In progress, this process will take a long time, just wait patiently
3.7 White chrysanthemums appear on ipad3. After it restarts automatically, You can see the familiar cydia on the desktop!!!!